
Since my PhD study stage, my research interests have been multi-hop wireless networks, mathematical modeling, and optimization of large-scale telecommunication problems. Nonetheless, I collaborate with other departments and university colleagues in different research areas that I like very much and am gaining experience in them.

One of the main reasons to diversify our research interest is that we are a medium-sized department with limited resources. Most of the members came from different areas of expertise in Telecommunication Engineering. Now, we are trying to consolidate research groups that take advantage of our diversity to drive to new research directions to take advantage of all members experiences. Our first step has been to propose different and more straightforward solutions (from other research areas) to known problems than the state-of-art. The first example of this can be found here.

Other areas in which I am working on, apart from those above, are security and privacy, wireless channel and physical layer of 802.11

Multi-hop wireless network

I working in this subject since my PhD . More precisely , my work is about routing protocols for non delay-sensitive applications in vehicular ad hoc networks. These applications are for instance traffic stats reporting or infractions reporting. I also proposed some improvemts in the operation of routing protocols, and other other mechanism to improve the communication performance.

Mathematical modeling and optimization of telecomuncations problems

During my PhD , I studied the Msc in Statistics and Operational Research at UPC. I learnt about mathematical modelling and optimization methods to solve large problems that can involve millons of variables. I am fascinated by this subject and I have proposed some models for optimal infraestructure deployment

Wireless channel and Physical layer of 802.11

I am working with Diego Reinoso, David Vega and Cecilia Paredes on modeling the wireless channel and physical layer of 802.11 for multi-hop wireless network. We will include our enhancements in network simulators. Our aim is to provide more realistic wireless channel and physical layer but keeping them simple enough to not slow down simulation speed.

Security, Privacy and Anonymity

I Iworked a little with anonimty-preserved routing protocols for VANETs during my PhD.

Now I colaborate with José Estrada and Ana Rodriguez under their research project on privacy-preserving in online activities (incluing advertising and machine learning applications)

In addition, I am tutoring Marco Sánchez, a PhD student of the Doctorado de Informática at EPN. He is working on fraud detection