This is objective of this course is that students understand the characteristics, structure, components services and programming of a intrnaet.
Note: This very wide objective is from study program of the subject.
First two classes
In these two classes, we will discuss what an intranet is nowadays. Furthermore, we will try to develop the the current complex " intranet definition" from the most basic ideas and companies' needs.
To do this, students must read the following lectures (it would be recommended that students follow the same order listed below, although it is not strictly necessary).
General information
Intranet, Read page 89 from TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview IBM Red Books
Internet, Intranet, Extranets, http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_TheInternetIntranetsandExtranets.htm
Intranet from Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intranet (Focus in uses and benefits sections. If you are insterest then look at the See also section)
Internet, Intranet, Extranet, an expert point of view http://www.iorg.com/papers/iw/19981019-advisor.html
Uses and benefits
8 good business reasons for having an intranet,
Intranet Strategies, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intranet_strategies
The IBM intranet case, http://www.brandemix.com/how-ibms-intranet-improves-employee-development-and-retention/
A more formal review
Look at the indexes of books
Practical Intranet Development
The Intranet, Management Handbook
Intranets, A guide to their design
Read chapter 1 of Practical Intranet Development
Read chapters 1, 2, 5 and 6 of Intranets, A guide to their design, implementation and management.
Read chapter 1, and 2 of The Intranet, Management Handbook
A more formal review ( second class)
Read Part II of Intranets, A guide to their design, implementation and management. (This is from chapter 5 to chapter 9, 25 pages in total )
Read chapters 2 and 3 of The Intranet, Management Handbook
Review (fast reading) of chapters 8 and 9 of Practical Intranet Development
Check Sharepoint website (https://products.office.com/es-es/sharepoint/collaboration). Which functionalities does this platform have? Does Sharepoint agree with what you have read for this session?
Self-learning component: Windows Server
In order to pass the course, students shoud aprove the two following MVA (Microsfot Virtual Academy) courses:
Windows Server Administration Fundamentals
Networking Fundamentals
The link of the courses are available below in the MVA courses folder. To access these free courses you need to a live account (ussually a hotmail, live email account or similar, your university email account is also allowed.)
To prove that student succeds in the course, he or she must send an report of all the assesments of the course (multiple-choice questions) with an explanation of the correct answers and explantions of why the other options are incorrects. In addtion, he/she has to attach a pdf of the dashbord page in the work in progress tab.
For the fisrt grate (bimester 1) students must complete the following chapters:
Windows Server Administration Fundamentals
Networking Fundamentals
Server Overview
Managing Windows Server 2008 R
Managing Storage
Monitoring and Troubleshooting Servers
Understanding Local Area Networking
Defining Networks with the OSI Model
Understanding Wired and Wireless Networks
Understanding Internet Protocol
Implementing TCP/IP in the Command Line
Cisco Internetworking Handnook Technology — This article provides guidance for understanding internetworking technology. Different components of internetwork and the protocols used are described.
Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice — It is an open-source ebook that explains the main principles of Computer Networking and the key protocols that are used on the Internet. The ebook is intended to be used for an upper-level undergraduate networking course.
Free IPA installation — Un tutorial rápido de FreeIPA
Networking Fundamentals — Want to learn network security fundamentals? In this MVA course, discover the building blocks of modern network design and function and prepare for Exam 98-366: Networking Fundamentals, part of an MTA certification. Our online network security training course is free of charge and led by an expert who can help you build your skills and career.
TCP IP guide — información sobre protocolos de todas las capas
TCP IP Guide — The TCP/IP Guide is a reference resource on the TCP/IP protocol suite that was designed to be not only comprehensive, but comprehensible. Organized using a logical, hierarchical structure
TPC/IP IBM redbook — Link to the IBM TCP/IP tutorial
Windows Server Administration Fundamentals — Are you preparing for Exam 98-365: Windows Server Administration Fundamentals and Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certification? This MTA Training course can help! Learn from the experts, and build fundamental knowledge of server installation, server roles, Active Directory, storage, server performance management, and server maintenance. This course leverages the content provided in the Microsoft Official Academic Course (MOAC) for this exam.